目前分類:生活用語大蒐集 (3)

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I read an article online which is talking about the common mistakes in English that learners may face.
We are going to share one of the possible mistakes for English using that we may have misunderstood them for a long time.

[ Female \ Feminine  ;  Male \ Masculine ]

"Female" and "Male" are used when someone is referring to the sex of people, plants and animals.
Ex: My dog is a female. (It sounds a silly sentence, but it's the easiest way to understand the meaning.)

"Feminine" and "Masculine"  are used when someone is referring to a characteristic that you feel about someone, something or type.

Ex: The decorating of this room was feminine.
Do you know how to use these words now?
Trying to make some sentences with these keywords right away!

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其實不難看出小圓仔對生活用語非常有興趣! 因為這就是平常生活上可能會用到的詞阿!

可以運用上英文在生活中, 是一件會比較有成就感的事阿!

當你要形容一個人是某一件事情的好手,高手, 最普通的你可能會利用到 be good at....

如果你是在英國旅行,或是在英國唸書, 不妨試試看, 道地英國說法的好手要怎麼說呢?

"Dab hand"

你是一個把妹高手     You are a dab hand at girls.


a dab hand at 某事   

這通常是拿來形容別人, 不是拿來形容自己的喔! 在美國用法可能就看不到這樣子的使用, It is very British!

a dab hand at.....
= be good at......
= be skilful at....


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便利商店或是一般的服務性質工作, 通常都會輪班!



這是一個十分貼切的說法, graveyard指的是墓園, shift指工作班制, 一般晚班說法,night shift是可以通的, 不過大夜班指的就是凌晨這一段寂靜無人的時段,靜的像在夜晚的墓園一樣!所以像在墓園似的工作時段,當然就是指大夜班囉!

這其實原本依小娃也不知道的, 剛好從bbc看到, 也算是提供出來讓大家看看囉!

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