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北京奧運如火如荼的開打, 除了振奮人心的各項運動賽事之外, 奧運所帶給人的, 想要表達的精神大概也鮮少大眾會特別去注意。
這一期的Reader's Digest當然不免俗的一定要以奧運相關文章為cover, 有幾篇內容也著墨於奧運

"The true Olympic Spirit" 真正的奧運精神
What is a true Olympic Spirit? Though all the athletes take an oath on obeying the Olympic Sportsmanship, there are still some of "robber barons" and "drug cheats"  playing the game with win-at-any-cost tactic.

The article mentioned a competitor who joined the ski race for the Olympic in 2006. She left ski pole snapped when she was leading her team in ski race.  She tried to pushed herself on, but it was hopeless. Several competitors passed her with unconcern.

However, something happened! A man gave her a big hand for her backing in the race. She won a silver medal at last.

Who was the man? Who was her benefactor? Bjoernar Haakensmoen. The media appreciated his behavior on newspaper headline. He couldn't understand this. He said: "If you win but don't help somebody when you should have, what win is that?"

這樣的情操, 別說表現在運動賽事當中, 就算是平日現實當中, 這樣的精神都是難能可貴!

2008年北京奧運開打了! 台灣最期待的還是中華棒球隊能不能打進最激烈的冠軍戰, 雖然最近老有媒體在有意無意的部看好中華隊! 縱使中華棒球隊在奧運上的成績並不是令人驚艷, 不過棒球賽事終究是最表現的出臺灣人團結的"愛台灣"心辣!

不過這一次又多了一項令人期待的跆拳道奪金之爭,希望台灣選手都能夠盡力表現自己最好的, 不管成績如何, 對我們來說都是榮耀!

還有期待網球部份, 台灣也能拿下好成績!

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During the waiting time at the bank, I read an article about a woman who have had frustratingly lived in her car for more than one year. No address(homeless), no work(jobless) and no help.

How could she sat up by herself then did something different?

Her blog:


由於版權問題,我並沒有辦法把讀者文摘中的內容一字一字key上去,但是我又懶的上網去找她的貼文XD,只能寫下簡短的summary,最好的就是請大家親自上去Anya Peters的部落格一探究竟吧!(點上圖即可)

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Let's Talk About Teen Sex

(本篇文章節錄自Reader's Digest)
With teen pregnancy making headlines, it's a good time for parents to get their heads out of the sand and get real with their kids about sex.

By Laura Beil

First Love

She was 17, coasting through her senior year in a Texas high school, when the breakup came. Her boyfriend, who had pledged his love forever, decided forever had arrived. She spent hours in her room in inconsolable grief. She picked at her food. She fell behind in her schoolwork. On a scale of one to ten, the pain was 100.

Her mother was familiar with the amplified emotions of youth. Still, she couldn't fathom her daughter's heartbreak. Timidly she began asking leading questions: Why was this guy so special? Had they been … intimate? One day, the girl blurted, “Yes, Mom, I had sex with him." The two, it turned out, had been having intercourse for more than a year, finding opportunity at his empty house after school. Her mother couldn't bring herself to tell the girl's father.

Could this be your daughter? The latest government figures say 63 percent of high school seniors have had sexual intercourse. And surveys show that about four in ten sexually experienced teen girls say their parents don't know. How could they, when a third of all teens say a parent has never discussed sex candidly with them?

“Parents are like ostriches sometimes," says Claire Brindis, an adolescent health expert at the University of California, San Francisco. “They bury their heads in the ground and say, If I don't recognize it, it won't happen."

But happen it does. In December, 16-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears, popular with young fans of Nickelodeon's Zoey 101, revealed she was pregnant. That news closely followed the announcement by CDC officials that in 2006 teen pregnancy rates rose for the first time in 15 years. Add the box office success of the movie Juno, a PG-13 tale about a pregnant high school student, and parents have plenty of fresh reasons to make sex a topic of household conversation.

Reality Check: 63% of high school seniors have had intercourse. 


本篇文章報導是摘錄自Reader's Digest


紋中也提到了Jamie Lynn Spears, 布蘭妮的妹妹年紀輕輕的16歲就懷了身孕,而你必須要相信大部分的青少年並不了解其中的慎重與應有的態度,他們只是因為愛情,還有那起化學變化的腎上腺素有了作用。




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