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是這樣的, 這隻小牛原本是被遺棄的,怎麼說要被遺棄是因為他也不喝母奶, 不吸奶, 一班農夫完全覺得這是浪費時間去挽救這些生病的牛

於是44歲的Bowerman把它當作寵物依樣, 細心的照顧, 現在Henry兩週大,非常適應與bowerman一家生活, 會跟他們家裡的狗狗玩在一起, 常常跑到家裡玩耍, 雖然被bowerman制止, 不過如果把它關在外面, 她會哞哞(mooing)的叫,聽起來就覺得很可愛吧!


這部被上傳的片, 在youtube造成數萬人點閱


只要youtube上搜尋"newborn calf Henry fights for survivals" 就可以了!

Mr Bowerman說: Henry the cow is just an udder child to us.... 項還在喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ的孩子, 阿~~真溫馨!

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Wilkins Ice Shelf from Twin Otter (Image: British Antarctic Survey)(picture from BBC)

Antarctic shelf 'hangs by thread'

(This article was excerpted from BBC website/本文節錄自BBC NEWS 網頁)

A chunk of ice the size of the Isle of Man has started to break away from Antarctica in what scientists say is further evidence of a warming climate. 

Satellite images suggest that part of the ice shelf is disintegrating, and will soon crumble away.

The Wilkins Ice Shelf has been stable for most of the last century, but began retreating in the 1990s.

Six ice shelves in the same part of the continent have already been lost, says the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). 

BAS researchers were alerted to the break-up by daily monitoring of satellite images. They sent a Twin Otter aircraft on a reconnaissance mission to video what was happening.

Jim Elliott, who was on board the plane, said he had never seen anything like it before.

He said: "We flew along the main crack and observed the sheer scale of movement from the breakage.

"Big hefty chunks of ice, the size of small houses, look as though they've been thrown around like rubble - it's like an explosion."

Map (BBC)(picture from BBC)

Professor Vaughan predicted in 1993 that the northern part of the Wilkins Ice Shelf would be lost within 30 years if climate warming continued. But he said it is happening more quickly than he expected.

He told BBC News: "What we're actually seeing is a chunk of the ice shelf drop off in a way that suggests it is not just a normal part of iceberg formation.

"This is not a sea level rise issue, but is yet another indication of climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula and how it is affecting the environment." 

Scientists say the Antarctic Peninsula, which juts out into the Southern Ocean towards the tip of South America, has experienced unprecedented warming over the last 50 years.

Several ice shelves have retreated in the past 30 years - six of them collapsing completely. 

環保議題的關心越來越受到大家的重視, 因為我們都發現新聞裡出現的生態環境與地球氣候的遽變已經越演越烈!





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China warns Sarkozy do not see Dalai Lama

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who is expected to announce on Wednesday that he will after all attend the opening ceremonies of Beijing’s Olympic Games, was warned by China on Tuesday not to meet with the Dalai Lama in France next month.

China’s ambassador to France, Kong Quan, told reporters there would be “serious consequences” for Chinese-French relations if Mr. Sarkozy meets the Dalai Lama, asserting that it “would be contrary to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs.”

Mr. Sarkozy has been vague on whether he will meet personally with the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader in exile, regarded by China as a renegade “splittist” who has advocated resistance to China’s sovereignty.

China has repeatedly accused the Dalai Lama and his subordinates of instigating anti-Chinese riots in Tibet three months ago and encouraging a boycott of the Beijing Olympics, which the Dalai Lama has denied. Representatives of both sides recently resumed suspended reconciliation talks.

France holds the presidency of the European Union, and Mr. Sarkozy has said that his attendance at the Aug. 8 opening ceremonies will depend on progress in those talks. The Dalai Lama’s visit to France, for a conference on Buddhism, comes after the opening of the Olympics.

Mr. Sarkozy is scheduled to meet President Hu Jintao of China in Japan during the Group of 8 summit conference under way there, and Mr. Sarkozy is expected to say that he will be in Beijing for the opening ceremonies.

French protests in April of the Chinese crackdown on Tibetan unrest caused fury in Beijing, creating political problems for Mr. Sarkozy and complications for French companies, which some angry Chinese, encouraged at first by their government, have boycotted.


I browsed through the "The New York Times" website and thought I would like to share this news with you all. What I mentioned is not about how to defense Tibet against an injustice from China. Actually, we don't and can't intervene in them; how do you think about the relationship between the Strait? Do we still in daydream for China will automatically and kindly keep peace with Taiwan that the government here claims for our sovereign right? If the government doesn't suppose to do this, is it possible for them to lead Taiwan to a stable, prosperous situation with dignity? Can we fling the name of "The Orphan of the World"?

This summary is not about "Blue" or "Green" of the political standpoint. Do not criticize with unesthetic wording, or I'll bleep them all.

首先我要先聲明的是,以上我的簡短感想並不代表任何政治立場,這是就一個客觀的角度去提出觀感, 請勿顏色化本文.


我們沒有什麼權利,也沒有能力去成為中國與西藏這長久問題的調停者, (我們連我自己都顧不了了,哪裡有利器多管別人的事?)
台灣與中國的正常交流是值得鼓勵的,但是如果現在的政府想要以釋出大量善意或者一些經濟上的優待與依賴中國大眾及政府的方式, 來解決中台之間的問題, 我一直不持樂觀態度,畢竟, 台灣的戰略地位之重要是中國無法放手不管,就如同美國也無法因此讓台灣歸屬中國,這會影響到美國在戰略位置上的安全憂慮. 所以美國官方說不支持台獨,但也不表達希望中台統一的立場!

因為我是百分之百支持台灣自己要身為一個國家的這種立場,所以如果台灣政府也是抱持相同的想法,只單靠目前政策的這些方法,都無法治根. 除非連台灣政府本身的想法就是分裂的,行之就會更加困難重重!

(再次聲明: 支持台獨不代表任何顏色, 請不要出現類似顏色化的字眼,一率刪除喔!Thanks!)

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Antarctic lake may hold life clue 


有人說神祕人面獅身像地底藏著人類的秘密? 現再BBC新聞中發布一篇來自愛丁堡大學的一群研究者推測, 南極冰層下的湖泊, 也可能暗藏著氣候變遷與生命起緣的真相? 

越是奧祕無法解釋, 我們也總戴著好奇心想要去探究, 是外星人來訪?還是我們的古人有著通天的本領?或者一切都只是因為科學的演化而來? 現在我們還沒有辦法得到真正的答案, 但是不斷的探索, 找到更多生命的秘密, 也讓我們學會去更愛惜自己還有這個存在的世界。


An Edinburgh scientist's study of a 15 million-year-old lake buried under the ice of Antarctica could yield clues on climate change and the origins of life. 

Edinburgh University researcher Neil Ross is part of a four-man team camped on an Antarctic ice sheet.

The group, which also includes members of the British Antarctic Survey, are to explore an ancient subglacial lake about the size of Loch Katrine.

Lake Ellsworth, in West Antarctica, is buried under 3.2kms of ice. 

The scientists believe the 10km-long lake could give scientists vital insights into climate change, future rises in sea-levels and the origins of life on earth.

It is one of more than 150 lakes locked beneath Antarctica's vast ice sheets that have been discovered using radar and satellite technologies. 

Professor Martin Siegert, principal investigator on the International Polar Year project that is investigating the lake and head of Edinburgh University's School of GeoSciences, said the lake could show signs of ancient life.

He said: "We are particularly interested in Lake Ellsworth because it is likely to have been isolated from the surface for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Radar measurements made previously from aircraft surveys suggest that the lake is connected to others that could drain ice from the West Antarctic Ice sheet to the ocean and contribute to sea level rise.

由這些研究者經由雷達探測等等的科技方式探測,南極冰層下有超過150個湖泊,而進而對Ellsworth 湖特別感興趣,她們發現這湖泊似乎聯接著其他湖泊以匯聚冰片從南極西邊的冰層流入海洋,成為了海水面上升的因素。


Extraterrestrial environment

He said: "For example, because water acts as a lubricant to the ice above, they may influence how the ice sheet flows.

"Their potential for unusual life forms could shed new light on evolution of life in harsh conditions; lake-floor sediments could yield vital clues to past climate."

He added the lakes could also help to give insight into the extraterrestrial environment of Europa - one of Jupiter's moons.

Dr Andy Smith, of the British Antarctic Survey, who is leading the expedition, said: "This is the first phase of what we think is an incredibly exciting project.

"We know the lake is 3.2km beneath the ice; long and thin and around 18 kilometres squared.

"But as we don't know how deep it is that will be the focus of our experiments this time.

"If the survey work goes well, the next phase will be to build a probe, drill down into the lake and explore and sample the lake water." 






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Conservation groups say they have found an unusual threat to East Africa's wildlife - hunting by hungry refugees


A report from the wildlife trade monitoring body Traffic says wild meat is covertly traded, cooked and consumed in Tanzanian refugee camps.

Traffic suspects species affected may include chimpanzee, buffalo and zebra.

Tanzania hosts more refugees than any other African nation, a legacy of conflicts in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The UN says there are more than half a million refugees in the country, mainly living in camps near the western border.

The border is also home to important wildlife refuges such as Gombe National Park, which achieved international fame as the site of Jane Goodall's pioneering studies of chimp behaviour. 

Basic 'failure' 

In its 60-page report, Traffic says the refugees are turning to wildlife because agencies supplying food are not providing meat.

"The scale of wild meat consumption in East African refugee camps has helped conceal the failure of the international community to meet basic refugee needs," said the report's principal author Dr George Jambiya.

"Relief agencies are turning a blind eye to the real cause of poaching and illegal trade - a lack of meat protein in refugees' rations." 

The World Food Programme (WFP), which supplies food to more than 200,000 refugees in Tanzania, said it did not believe there was a big problem. 

"To continue to meet the nutritional requirements of the refugees with meat as suggested by the report would require substituting canned meat for the much less expensive beans that we currently provide."

This would almost double the budget for food provision, WFP calculates. 

Tale of decline

Traffic admits that the real scale of the hunting problem is not known, but offers a raft of observational evidence and first-person testimony to back its case.

In 1994, when intense ethnic fighting in Rwanda drove an estimated 600,000 refugees into the area of Tanzania surrounding Burigi National Park, wildlife in the park declined sharply.

Similar trends have been found in other parks near camps.

And when camps have closed, numbers have often recovered. 

Traffic, which is a joint operation of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and WWF, recommends that refugee agencies and the Tanzanian government look for ways to increase the supply of meat protein to the refugees.

Livestock rearing, ranching of wild species, and regulated hunting are all measures that could help provide a sustainable supply of meat in some areas, the agency says. 

key words:

Tanzania  坦尚尼亞  (他有跟我們邦交嗎= = ?)

Conservation group    保育團體

refugee       難民

threat     威脅

species    物種

consumption      消費\消耗量

conceal         隱蔽\隱瞞

illegal         非法的

turn a blind eye           視而不見(俗稱裝瞎)

nutritional       營養的 (nutrition   營養(名詞))

National Park      國家公園

hunting          打獵行動

livestock          家畜類

ranching         大農場

sustainable      足夠的 (sustain   供給  )

看到這個新聞, 小圓仔自己也會覺得很殘忍, 因為文章中所提到的有關為了這些猩猩們放棄自己女人青春的珍古德(Jane Goodall), 我也在discovery探索頻道中, 看過介紹她與猩猩的動物世界, 想像那種濫殺野生動物的畫面, 真的令人不敢恭維.

雖然這些難民們肚子太餓了, 不過那還是無法讓人接受.

希望WFP想出解決辦法, 應該是交他們釣魚而不是只給他們魚, 用最節約的方式找到營養平衡的好方法.

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Paris and Berlin ban cafe smoking.

Smoking has been banned in bars in the capitals of France and Germany but the laws will not be enforced immediately. 

Eight German states, including Berlin, have ushered in 2008 declaring their pubs and restaurants smoke-free.

Almost a third of Germans smoke and the authorities in Berlin have decided not to enforce the restrictions actively for the first six months. 

In France, a law forbidding smoking in public places has now been extended to bars, cafes and hotels. 

Paris reporter Hugh Schofield says attitudes to smoking have changed dramatically in France in the past year and any fears that people will generally ignore the new law can be discarded. 

The French health ministry allowed smokers a 24-hour "grace" period for the New Year festivities in a gesture of "tolerance". 

Any smoker caught flouting the ban thereafter can be fined up to 450 euros (£332; $662), while those who turn a blind eye to smokers on their premises can be fined up to 750 euros.


France has about 13.5 million smokers among its population of 60.7 million.

The new ban is seen as a big cultural shift for France, where smoky cafes have long been the haunts of famous artists and philosophers. 

The ban does not include pavement tables or open-air terraces. 

Similar bans are already in place in Britain, Ireland, Italy and Spain. 

In 2004, Ireland became the first European country to introduce a comprehensive smoking ban in all workplaces, including pubs and restaurants. 

Smoking was made illegal in bars and cafes in Lithuania(立陶宛) in 2007. 

The law has now been extended to include other public places.

相關於國外禁煙的規定,似乎十分的嚴格, 包括抽菸人口密集的pub在德國也被禁止, 雖然這個禁文也進而引起那些pub業者的反對, 畢竟這樣也會影響到他們的生意.

不過目前呢在歐洲方面,英國, 愛爾蘭, 義大利,西班牙以及立陶宛也都已經提倡再不論工作廠所或是其他餐廳酒吧的場合都要禁菸了.甚至不管是抽菸者或是假裝對抽菸的人視而不見的人都要罰款耶!(真的很嚴格的執行)

相對台灣好像也都已經逐漸在推行這一方面的政策, 雖然好像會損壞到那些抽菸者抽菸的權利, 不過少抽一點不是比較好嗎?

以前, 國中時期那些男生同學都會覺得抽菸是很酷的事情, 大概是看見大人抽菸, 想只要抽根菸也會有大人的感覺吧!

所以有煙癮的各位大人, 少抽而且也盡量不要在孩子面前抽煙才好喔!

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Have you ever calculated the amount of the rubbish you "pooh" everyday?

Our earth is now rising a flag up! 


How to recycle your rubbish? You can also be the doctor.

(抽空進去網站看一看吧! 歐洲是實施環保非常徹底的區域喔!)

Follow the three main steps to recycle and help reduce the amount of the rubbish that the country produce.

The three main steps to recycling are:
1. Recycle
What can you recycle? 
The easiest things to recycle are paper and glass. 

    Paper: such as newspaper and magazines. 

Glass: sich as beer, wine, spirit bottles, coffee jars, jam jars and sauce bottles.
2. Compost
      About a third of the waste in your bin is organic material. If you have a garden, 
   you could turn this waste into free compost instead of throwing it away.
   What can you compost?
   The most common things you can compost are Kitchen and Garden waste.

   Kitchen waste - Vegetable peelings, tea leaves/bags, egg shells, fruit scraps and grains.

   Garden waste - Plant prunings, old plants, grass clippings, leaves and straw.

    It is best to avoid things like meat, cooked food and pet litter.

What are the benefits?
You can use the compost on a garden, in window boxes or on house plants. It gives you a free soil improver and saves you a trip to the garden centre. Compost also helps to retain moisture, reducing the amount of watering you need to do.

3. Shop smart

A lot of what you buy, you bin - especially the packaging. If you 'shop smart' and buy products with less packaging, you could reduce your rubbish by as much as a third. 

 Next time you go shopping:

If possible, buy a refill rather than a new product. Refills are available for things like liquid softeners, washing powders and some beauty products.

Many products are made from recycled material, even if they are not labelled - most glass bottles for instance.

If possible, buy products like fruit and vegetables loose instead of pre-packaged.

If you buy nappies, try modern reusable ones (with Velcro fasteners) rather than disposables.

Re-use carrier bags - extra strong ones with reinforced handles are available at many supermarket checkouts.

最近我整個就是一個環保小尖兵(environmental little little protector)耶!

為什麼我要強調是little? 因為我謹以我微薄的力量宣導(propagandize)大家也要學習盡量做到維護環境的工夫!

也希望政府(government)能夠正視這樣的問題並提出良好的制度, 故然他們可能看不見!

這文章中提到的資源回收的三個小法寶, 應該可以說是我們平常生活中最容易遇到的了.

1. 紙類或是瓶瓶罐罐的回收, 在台灣還可以幫助很多老奶奶老爺爺的忙呢!

2. 就是所謂呢其實生活中, 都是屬於有機的物質, 比如説廚房的廚餘(kitchen waste), 花園裡的枯葉枯枝等等的.
   這些回收的資源都可以變成很棒的花園肥料(soil improver)!


3. 第三種也算是蠻重要的, 台灣這幾年已經也有著手的就是關於"多餘包裝"的這種垃圾生產量!

    不過我想台灣做的還不夠全面性! 除了不必要的塑膠袋(plastic bag)之外, 還有在超商可以看見的本身產品的包裝有些都是可以去除的, 例如超市買水果時盡量選擇散裝的水果, 一包一包都用保鮮膜,包好的下面還電了一塊保麗龍(styrofoam), 也不是真的這麼必須! 只是台灣人都喜歡圖方便啦!

    還有相關的例如紙尿布(nappy;diaper), 衛生紙(tissue paper)等等其實政府都應該幫忙輔導去開發這一類再生性的產品! 

非常搞不懂的一點是: 為什麼公廁的衛生紙不用再生紙呢? 為什麼我們這裡買再生紙要比一般的紙還要貴? 要多花錢來買再生的東西, 在這個我們在努力推行環保再利用的階段, 應該不是明智的選擇吧?

很多先進國家的公廁衛生紙都已經可以直接沖到馬桶裡融化掉了, 希望有一天台灣也可以!應該不是一直強調衛生紙越厚越好才是

說了一堆= = 




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Some 10,500 tons of crude oil are estimated to have poured from a super tanker after a drifting barge punched holes in its side on Friday.

The oil has been washing ashore in the scenic Taean region on the west coast. 

Overpowering smell

The BBC's John Sudworth, reporting from Mallipo Beach in the Taean region, says the smell is overpowering as the thick black oil still coming in with each tide almost completely covers the wide sandy bay.

About 9,000 people are involved cleaning up the beaches, with more joining every day. At sea, a fleet of 140 ships has been fighting to prevent more of the spill washing ashore. Helicopters are also helping the operation.

But already, officials say local tourism and seafood industries have been devastated. 

More than 20m tourists a year visit the area, drawn by its natural beauty.

The area is also home to many oyster beds and seafood farms, which supply local hotels and restaurants.

There are also wider environmental worries: Mallipo, for example, is an important transit point for migrating birds such as snipe and mallards.


南韓這一次的外海港籍遊艇(barge)外洩原油(crude oil) 真是位我們的可憐的地球生態雪上加霜。

電視上所呈現的那黑壓壓的一片, 也只是冰山一角!


更長期的影響就是造成候鳥, 例如:鵴(snipe)和綠頭鴨(mallard) 的遷徙(migrate)習性等等

這樣的意外, 不知道又要用多久的時間才能夠痊癒(heal)呢?

有沒有一天, 科學家可以發明一種不需要原油就可以行駛的船隻潛艦?
重點是, 不管任何發明, 是不是不要只來自於人性(humanity), 把自然(nature)先考慮在先?

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Taiwan has one of Asia's few functioning democracies and one of its strongest economies. But for the island's 23 million people, the future is overshadowed by an unresolved dispute with China.

China sees the island as a breakaway province which should be reunified, by force if necessary. Hundreds of Chinese missiles now aim across the Taiwan Strait to bring home the point.


Both sides are used to dealing with this fraught relationship, and closer economic ties may eventually make conflict less likely. But until that happens, any flare-up over Taiwan would have much wider implications. Most importantly, it could quickly suck the US into conflict with China, because of US security assurances to Taiwan. 

台灣在亞洲是其中一個民主而且經濟強盛的國家, 但是兩千三百萬的人民卻仍活在無法解決的中國陰影之下。








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(from bbc)以下文章從bbc選錄,中文翻譯僅屬於簡化的解釋文章中大略意涵。

Patients taking anti-obesity drugs lose only "modest" amounts of weight, and many remain significantly obese or overweight, research reveals. 


Experts said the Canadian work in the British Medical Journal shows pills are no substitute for healthy living. Eating less and exercising more is essential, they said.


Over a billion people worldwide are overweight or obese, making the anti-obesity drug market big business. An estimated $1.2 billion was spent on anti-obesity drugs worldwide in 2005.


They reviewed the evidence from thirty placebo-controlled trials, involving nearly 20,000 people, where adults took one of three anti-obesity drugs - orlistat, sibutramine or rimonabant - for a year or longer. The National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence recommends stopping the use of anti-obesity drugs if 5% of total body weight is not lost after three months.
All of the volunteers in the trials were deemed obese, and weighed an average of 100kg (15.7 stone). 

他們進行了一項實驗,選用三種減肥藥品讓2萬個成人自願者分配服用,每天1/3的劑量實驗長達一年,有的更久一些。 結果顯示,他們的確都各下降的5%的體重,而且停用的三個月也都沒有再復胖。這些實體驗者都是真正的肥胖者,平均體重都超過了100公斤。

 Patients taking the weight loss pills were significantly more likely to achieve 5%-10% weight loss, compared to those who took a dummy drug. But is was unclear whether the weight loss achieved was enough to have big health and survival benefits. Orlistat reduced the incidence of diabetes in one trial and all three drugs lowered patients' levels of certain types of cholesterol. 


But adverse effects were recorded with all three drugs and there were high drop-out rates, with 30%-40% of patients failing to complete the trials. A separate study in The Lancet found patients given one of these weight loss drugs, rimonabant, were at increased risk of severe psychiatric events. 


Dr Colin Waine, chair of the National Obesity Forum, said: "The first choice has to be a healthier lifestyle, but medication use can be justified because obesity is a serious medical condition. "The purpose is not just to achieve weight loss but to reduce health risk factors. All three drugs can have beneficial effects on those." 

減肥研究中心的Colin Waine博士說:肥胖不只是減重的原因,就醫學來說他也是一項嚴重的不良症狀;不只是減肥也要健康,這三種藥品都達到了效果。

Professor Gareth Williams, professor of medicine at the University of Bristol, warned of the potential damage to society if anti-obesity drugs were licensed to be sold without prescription, as already happens in the US. "Selling anti-obesity drugs over the counter will perpetuate the myth that obesity can be fixed simply by popping a pill and could further undermine the efforts to promote healthy living, which is the only long term escape from obesity. 

Gareth Williams卻不這麼認為。他憂心的說:美國開放了減肥藥品不需要經處方簽而可以取得,這其實會慢慢影響到國人對於減重與健康上的觀念錯誤。減肥不是造就健康的全部。



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~以下文章圖片皆節錄於BBC NEWS~


Environmental change is happening on our doorsteps.

你聽見我們的環境已經不知不覺都在改變了! 你感覺到了嗎?

Oliver Clissold from South Africa sent this picture of Table Mountain:

"How the Cape Flats have changed over the last hundred years. Cape Town is still one of the most beautiful places on Earth, but this early morning look shows the smog and concrete that have reformed the landscape of this Eden.

南非開普敦還一直是最美的城市之ㄧ, 這張稍早所顯示的圖片, 污染的廢棄煙霧與水泥林已經改變了這座伊甸園

Mount Rainier

"This picture of Mount Rainier was taken on 18 December 2004. "It has been a very dry year here in the Pacific Northwest.

"So far, the snow pack is 79% below normal, and we've had unseasonably warm weather this winter.

"In a normal year, all of the surrounding mountains in these areas would be white.

"Most of the ski resorts are closed now, when it should be peak season." 

這張是2004年冬天的照片, 圖中也都可以看的出雪量已經大量減少
現在暖冬造成的雪量不足, 也造成了很多的滑雪場都已關閉 

Oil refinery

"This is the oil refinery at Fawley on a warm summer's evening on the south coast of England

在美麗的英國南部海岸, 儼然已經失去了海邊的風光


New Zealand

"This picture is of the parched hills just south of Christchurch, New Zealand, during the summer heat wave and drought of 2003-2004."

Europe also suffered a major heat wave in 2003, with temperatures soaring to unprecedented heights in some places.

According to climate scientists, heat waves in the 21st Century will become more frequent, more intense and longer lasting

2003~2004年的嚴重熱浪, 原本印象中綠地盎然的紐西蘭, 也會有這樣的光景!?
很多氣象學家也預測, 21世紀這種現象會越來越頻繁

Water palace

"This picture is of the Jal Mahal (Water Palace) in Jaipur, India. The appearance of fog suggests the photo was taken in the morning.

"That is not the case. It was taken in the afternoon, and the 'fog' is actually pollution."


其實不是, 那看起來灰濛濛的不是霧, 而是嚴重的空氣污染所造成的!

會找這樣的文章PO上來, 其實是因為前先天不論是喝的飲料,或是外面小吃店拿的碗, 竟然都是保麗龍的! 小圓仔比較無法認同的是, 我們的國民素質真的有這麼差嗎? 環境汙染好像大家都知道, 但是我們始終好像沒有做什麼改變!  

雖然保麗龍只是環境汙染中的其中一小部份而已, 但是重點是我們的觀念都出了問題! 政府的政策也從來沒有很完整一套制度, 一個完整的防污染的政策是不是應該要考慮的周全一點? 過去塑膠袋的濫用應該不是唯一的汙染源吧?

真的, 全世界都生病了!

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Mobile provider 3 has launched a new handset that will allow to make free calls over the internet via telephony service Skype!

Skype 大進化要用在手機上了! 原本是透過網路的免費通話Skype將要置入手機中!

Skype has about 246 million registered users worldwide and is one of the firms reshaping the global phone industry.


While it is possible to access Skype from a number of handsets, the mobile companies has unwilling to let users freely access Skype via handsets for fear that it will hurt their business.

當現在Skype軟體可以置入手機中使用, 無疑對手機業者是一個大衝擊!

"It's now truly mobile. Skype has now taken a giant step forward in the mobil arena." said the Skype's acting chief executive, Michael van Swaaij.

"線在他就真的是可攜帶的Skype, 它邁進了一大步, 變成行動Skype! "Skype 執行總監 Michael van Swaaij說

The service, launching on 2 November, will be accessed by a button on the handset. 


As well as the UK, the 3 Skype-phone will be launched in countries including Australia, Denmark, Italy and Hong Kong.

除了在英國之外, 澳洲,丹麥,義大利和香港也會發行推出

Pay as you go customers will have to top up their account with at least 10 pounds each month to qualify for free Skype-to-Skype calls.

到時候使用Skype免費互話之客戶需要提升帳戶租費至少10鎊(約新台幣 670元)


說真的E小娃有點懶, 中文翻譯部分僅把大意翻出來,不過都是重點就是了!文章錄音部分可能沒有辦法!畢竟我還不夠資格去念BBC的文章, 那跟 BBC  RADIO的人員比起來真是天差地遠了!

希望在n年之後台灣也可以引進, 不過我想台灣人這麼聰明, 連iphone還沒引進中文版, 我們就自己創新先用了! 這個也許在不久的將來也可以看到中文化版的Skype行動手機唷!

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