Heart disease also called "cardiac disease". 

心臟病有兩種說法, 一般我們直接用heart disease就可以清楚的表明; 當然在醫學上, cardiac這一個字代表是所有跟心臟有相關的。




If you're like most people, you think that heart disease is a problem for other folks. But heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. It is also a major cause of disability. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries(冠狀動脈), the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. This is called coronary artery disease and happens slowly over time. It's the major reason people have heart attacks(突發心臟病).

Other kinds of heart problems may happen to the valves in the heart, or the heart may not pump well and cause heart failure. Some people are born with heart disease.

You can help reduce your risk of heart disease by taking steps to control factors that put you at greater risk:

(1)Control your blood pressure 

(2)Lower your cholesterol 

(3)Don't smoke 

(4)Get enough exercise 

Coronary Artery Disease also called CAD.  

在美國, 心臟病是他們國人的十大死因榜首; 在台灣, 我們也不太"遜色", 心臟病是名列第二!

我們總覺得心臟病是別人的事情, 但是也許生活中一些小細節不注意, 沒有好好保養身體, 期時慢慢心臟血管的阻塞等等的都可能慢慢引發心臟的疾病, 有一些症狀例如心律不整都要十分注意喔!


但是同時也不忘有一些生活的小步調要配合, 降低並預防心臟疾病發生的機率:



現在的人都吃的好, 但也開始講求健康! 不過"老外"還是很多! 外面餐館的菜其實想要每一樣都吃的健康不油膩其實是有一點困難的! 以至於, 無形中膽固醇就很容易堆積增加, 血管壁會越來越被油脂所堆積, 這時候所謂心臟冠狀動脈的疾病症狀, 就會無預警似的打擊我們!

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease. It is the leading cause of death in the United States in both men and women.

CAD happens when the arteries that supply blood to heart muscle become hardened and narrowed. This is due to the buildup of cholesterol and other material, called plaque(血小板), on their inner walls. As the buildup grows, less blood can flow through the arteries. As a result, the heart muscle can't get the blood or oxygen it needs. This can lead to chest pain (angina)(心絞痛) or a heart attack. Most heart attacks happen when a blood clot suddenly cuts off the hearts' blood supply, causing permanent heart damage.

Over time, CAD can also weaken the heart muscle and contribute to heart failure(心臟衰竭) and arrhythmias(心律不整). Heart failure means the heart can't pump blood well to the rest of the body. Arrhythmias are changes in the normal beating rhythm of the heart.(取材自英文醫學網站MedlinePlus)

什麼叫Coronary Artery Disease?(Eva 一時記不太起來中文有沒有正式名稱) 
原本, 心臟的動脈要提供心臟肌肉血液, 但是動脈卻慢慢的可能因為膽固醇或者其他物質而硬化,這些壞組織如果慢慢堆積變的肥大,通過心臟的血液就變的寸步難行,氧氣也難以輸送。氧氣不足自然會產生胸悶,心絞痛(angina)或者心臟病發。

另外,這也使得心臟肌肉衰退,造成heart failure(中文大概是所謂心臟衰竭)心臟衰竭就是, 心臟已經無力提供血液的輸送到身體其他部位;還有arrhythmias(心律不整),顧名思義就是心臟跳動的頻率大亂。




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