"Mariah Carey & Luther Vandross-LIVE 1994"
Artist:Lionel Richie/Diana Ross
My love ,there's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
My first love, you're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
And I
I want to share all my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Oh yes , you will always be my endless love
Two heart , two heart that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arm
I can't resit your charm
And love
I'll be fool for you
I'm sure
Cause body you , you meant the world to me
Oh I know I found in you my endless love
Oh and love , I'll be that fool for tou
I'm sure
that you know I do'nt mind
And yes , you'll be the only one
Cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love , my endless love
轉載來自 ※Mojim.com
- Feb 19 Tue 2008 12:30
~MUSIC~ Endless Love 無盡的愛
- Feb 18 Mon 2008 11:43
~Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008~向聯合國簽署不廢除繁體中文
1. 進入頁面之後, 往下拉至最後有一聯 "SIGN TO PETITION" 請點入
2. 進入之後稍微往下拉, 就可以一些要甜的項目, 主要的只要將後面有打紅色星號*的項目必填, 其餘的可以是個人狀
我們在聯合國沒權利已經夠慘了, 發發聲總可以吧! 小P說他不想要重學簡體字, 當然我個人也是表明了應該要尊重使用每一種語言或者文字的民族或者國家, 我們已經不受聯合國管轄和青睞, 這一點點權利應該是我們可以自己爭取的吧? 目前簽署人數還不到50萬, 不到高雄市的1/3 , 也不到台北的1/4, 大家加加油吧!
- Feb 18 Mon 2008 09:57
~BBC NEWS ~ Antarctic Lake May Hold Life Clue 南極暗藏生命奧秘?

有人說神祕人面獅身像地底藏著人類的秘密? 現再BBC新聞中發布一篇來自愛丁堡大學的一群研究者推測, 南極冰層下的湖泊, 也可能暗藏著氣候變遷與生命起緣的真相?
越是奧祕無法解釋, 我們也總戴著好奇心想要去探究, 是外星人來訪?還是我們的古人有著通天的本領?或者一切都只是因為科學的演化而來? 現在我們還沒有辦法得到真正的答案, 但是不斷的探索, 找到更多生命的秘密, 也讓我們學會去更愛惜自己還有這個存在的世界。
An Edinburgh scientist's study of a 15 million-year-old lake buried under the ice of Antarctica could yield clues on climate change and the origins of life.
Edinburgh University researcher Neil Ross is part of a four-man team camped on an Antarctic ice sheet.
The group, which also includes members of the British Antarctic Survey, are to explore an ancient subglacial lake about the size of Loch Katrine.
Lake Ellsworth, in West Antarctica, is buried under 3.2kms of ice.
The scientists believe the 10km-long lake could give scientists vital insights into climate change, future rises in sea-levels and the origins of life on earth.
It is one of more than 150 lakes locked beneath Antarctica's vast ice sheets that have been discovered using radar and satellite technologies.
Professor Martin Siegert, principal investigator on the International Polar Year project that is investigating the lake and head of Edinburgh University's School of GeoSciences, said the lake could show signs of ancient life.
He said: "We are particularly interested in Lake Ellsworth because it is likely to have been isolated from the surface for hundreds of thousands of years.
"Radar measurements made previously from aircraft surveys suggest that the lake is connected to others that could drain ice from the West Antarctic Ice sheet to the ocean and contribute to sea level rise.
由這些研究者經由雷達探測等等的科技方式探測,南極冰層下有超過150個湖泊,而進而對Ellsworth 湖特別感興趣,她們發現這湖泊似乎聯接著其他湖泊以匯聚冰片從南極西邊的冰層流入海洋,成為了海水面上升的因素。
Extraterrestrial environment
He said: "For example, because water acts as a lubricant to the ice above, they may influence how the ice sheet flows.
"Their potential for unusual life forms could shed new light on evolution of life in harsh conditions; lake-floor sediments could yield vital clues to past climate."
He added the lakes could also help to give insight into the extraterrestrial environment of Europa - one of Jupiter's moons.
Dr Andy Smith, of the British Antarctic Survey, who is leading the expedition, said: "This is the first phase of what we think is an incredibly exciting project.
"We know the lake is 3.2km beneath the ice; long and thin and around 18 kilometres squared.
"But as we don't know how deep it is that will be the focus of our experiments this time.
"If the survey work goes well, the next phase will be to build a probe, drill down into the lake and explore and sample the lake water."
- Feb 13 Wed 2008 07:53
~Super Octopus~ 2/12 句型練習
先看這裡!一句話裡通常不會有兩個動詞, 當有兩個動詞出現的時候, 你應該要做什麼樣的判斷? 先想清楚再寫, 同樣的規則不要懹別人一而再再而三的提醒哦!
1. 我想要喝玉米濃湯
2. 明天我們想要看書
沒有寫的後果, 我上課時候已經講過了, 請務必愛惜自己的誠信.
- Feb 12 Tue 2008 17:23
Though the new year vacation was over, I kept a good mood on working today!
Still want to say
Wish you have a blessed 2008!
這一段中文是寫給super octopus 各位, 以回應你們新年吃好料領紅包還是沒有忘記我的這份驚喜:
雖然新年已經過了, 你們也已經開學了, Eva我也玩明星志願玩了一輪了!
- Feb 04 Mon 2008 20:07
~Super Octopus~ 2/4作業
2/4 的另一項作業是要請你把下面的句子翻成英文, 請寫在你的筆記本當中, 並且注意字跡要工整.
1. 我喜歡他們
2. 我想吃蛋糕(這裡有兩個動詞,所以要注意什麼才不會讓兩個動詞打架呢?) (蛋糕:cake)
請把這兩句, 寫成英文句子.
- Jan 30 Wed 2008 11:35
~Super Octopus~(sentence patterns and grammar) 學習單1~3章 英文句型及簡易文法
Hello Super Octopus,
當你點進來文章, 必須要有一個心理準備, 即是以下的句型是以目前學習單上1~3章的集合.
下週上課時間改為禮拜一的晚上6點鐘, 2/6是除夕夜, Eva再兇狠也不會不讓你回去圍爐啦!
所以這一篇文章, 你有一個禮拜的時間可以準備及研究
但我相信我們班上一定會有人, 在下次我上課的時候, 依然沒有看到這一篇文章!
以下句型都是非常容易的, 依照我們學習單所列過的類型單字表加以運用, 下次上課時就是我要驗收成績的時候!
1. Be 動詞的用法
I / You / He / She/ We/ They 的搭配
2. 受格有哪些?(還有什麼叫受格?下次上課我會問)
me / you / her / him / us / them
3. 所有格又是什麼?
my / your / her / his / our / their
4. 這個/那個/那些/這些 (為課本的內容, 再搞混我會抓狂)
This / That / Those / These
還有不要忘了回家功課 "背單字"
- Jan 30 Wed 2008 09:25
~Super Octopus~終極章魚<前言>
下禮拜二晚上就知道了ˋ ˊ
- Jan 25 Fri 2008 14:42
~MURMUR~LaZy aPPlE 懶蘋果
完全不做任何註解 雖然說會來讀的人搞不好英文能力嚇嚇叫,
其實也不需要做什麼註解, 但是我還是覺得這樣太偷懶了
An LAZY APPLE a day, keeps the morale away!
是不是新年快到了, 想著吃大餐大玩,
但是香菇說: 不是叫我上去找, 但是你PO地那個文章, 最好我是會啦! 你根本無心啦!
小P說: 你那個很難我不會啦!
我只顧PO我自己想學的看的, 我對不起兩位!

我就真的改名 Lazy Apple, 小名L.A = =
- Jan 22 Tue 2008 15:12
~BBC NEWS ~ Refugees link to wildlife decline (野生動物的威脅)
A report from the wildlife trade monitoring body Traffic says wild meat is covertly traded, cooked and consumed in Tanzanian refugee camps.
Traffic suspects species affected may include chimpanzee, buffalo and zebra.
Tanzania hosts more refugees than any other African nation, a legacy of conflicts in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The UN says there are more than half a million refugees in the country, mainly living in camps near the western border.
The border is also home to important wildlife refuges such as Gombe National Park, which achieved international fame as the site of Jane Goodall's pioneering studies of chimp behaviour.
Basic 'failure'
In its 60-page report, Traffic says the refugees are turning to wildlife because agencies supplying food are not providing meat.
"The scale of wild meat consumption in East African refugee camps has helped conceal the failure of the international community to meet basic refugee needs," said the report's principal author Dr George Jambiya.
"Relief agencies are turning a blind eye to the real cause of poaching and illegal trade - a lack of meat protein in refugees' rations."
The World Food Programme (WFP), which supplies food to more than 200,000 refugees in Tanzania, said it did not believe there was a big problem.
"To continue to meet the nutritional requirements of the refugees with meat as suggested by the report would require substituting canned meat for the much less expensive beans that we currently provide."
This would almost double the budget for food provision, WFP calculates.
Tale of decline
Traffic admits that the real scale of the hunting problem is not known, but offers a raft of observational evidence and first-person testimony to back its case.
In 1994, when intense ethnic fighting in Rwanda drove an estimated 600,000 refugees into the area of Tanzania surrounding Burigi National Park, wildlife in the park declined sharply.
Similar trends have been found in other parks near camps.
And when camps have closed, numbers have often recovered.
Traffic, which is a joint operation of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and WWF, recommends that refugee agencies and the Tanzanian government look for ways to increase the supply of meat protein to the refugees.
Livestock rearing, ranching of wild species, and regulated hunting are all measures that could help provide a sustainable supply of meat in some areas, the agency says.
key words:
Tanzania 坦尚尼亞 (他有跟我們邦交嗎= = ?)
Conservation group 保育團體
refugee 難民
threat 威脅
species 物種
consumption 消費\消耗量
conceal 隱蔽\隱瞞
illegal 非法的
turn a blind eye 視而不見(俗稱裝瞎)
nutritional 營養的 (nutrition 營養(名詞))
National Park 國家公園
hunting 打獵行動
livestock 家畜類
ranching 大農場
sustainable 足夠的 (sustain 供給 )
看到這個新聞, 小圓仔自己也會覺得很殘忍, 因為文章中所提到的有關為了這些猩猩們放棄自己女人青春的珍古德(Jane Goodall), 我也在discovery探索頻道中, 看過介紹她與猩猩的動物世界, 想像那種濫殺野生動物的畫面, 真的令人不敢恭維.
雖然這些難民們肚子太餓了, 不過那還是無法讓人接受.
希望WFP想出解決辦法, 應該是交他們釣魚而不是只給他們魚, 用最節約的方式找到營養平衡的好方法.