~以下文章圖片皆節錄於BBC NEWS~
你聽見我們的環境已經不知不覺都在改變了! 你感覺到了嗎?

Oliver Clissold from South Africa sent this picture of Table Mountain:
"How the Cape Flats have changed over the last hundred years. Cape Town is still one of the most beautiful places on Earth, but this early morning look shows the smog and concrete that have reformed the landscape of this Eden.
南非開普敦還一直是最美的城市之ㄧ, 這張稍早所顯示的圖片, 污染的廢棄煙霧與水泥林已經改變了這座伊甸園
"This picture of Mount Rainier was taken on 18 December 2004. "It has been a very dry year here in the Pacific Northwest.
"So far, the snow pack is 79% below normal, and we've had unseasonably warm weather this winter.
"In a normal year, all of the surrounding mountains in these areas would be white.
"Most of the ski resorts are closed now, when it should be peak season."
這張是2004年冬天的照片, 圖中也都可以看的出雪量已經大量減少
現在暖冬造成的雪量不足, 也造成了很多的滑雪場都已關閉
"This is the oil refinery at Fawley on a warm summer's evening on the south coast of England
在美麗的英國南部海岸, 儼然已經失去了海邊的風光]
"This picture is of the parched hills just south of Christchurch, New Zealand, during the summer heat wave and drought of 2003-2004."
Europe also suffered a major heat wave in 2003, with temperatures soaring to unprecedented heights in some places.
According to climate scientists, heat waves in the 21st Century will become more frequent, more intense and longer lasting
2003~2004年的嚴重熱浪, 原本印象中綠地盎然的紐西蘭, 也會有這樣的光景!?
很多氣象學家也預測, 21世紀這種現象會越來越頻繁
"This picture is of the Jal Mahal (Water Palace) in Jaipur, India. The appearance of fog suggests the photo was taken in the morning.
"That is not the case. It was taken in the afternoon, and the 'fog' is actually pollution."
其實不是, 那看起來灰濛濛的不是霧, 而是嚴重的空氣污染所造成的!
會找這樣的文章PO上來, 其實是因為前先天不論是喝的飲料,或是外面小吃店拿的碗, 竟然都是保麗龍的! 小圓仔比較無法認同的是, 我們的國民素質真的有這麼差嗎? 環境汙染好像大家都知道, 但是我們始終好像沒有做什麼改變!
雖然保麗龍只是環境汙染中的其中一小部份而已, 但是重點是我們的觀念都出了問題! 政府的政策也從來沒有很完整一套制度, 一個完整的防污染的政策是不是應該要考慮的周全一點? 過去塑膠袋的濫用應該不是唯一的汙染源吧?
真的, 全世界都生病了!