
Some 10,500 tons of crude oil are estimated to have poured from a super tanker after a drifting barge punched holes in its side on Friday.

The oil has been washing ashore in the scenic Taean region on the west coast. 

Overpowering smell

The BBC's John Sudworth, reporting from Mallipo Beach in the Taean region, says the smell is overpowering as the thick black oil still coming in with each tide almost completely covers the wide sandy bay.

About 9,000 people are involved cleaning up the beaches, with more joining every day. At sea, a fleet of 140 ships has been fighting to prevent more of the spill washing ashore. Helicopters are also helping the operation.

But already, officials say local tourism and seafood industries have been devastated. 

More than 20m tourists a year visit the area, drawn by its natural beauty.

The area is also home to many oyster beds and seafood farms, which supply local hotels and restaurants.

There are also wider environmental worries: Mallipo, for example, is an important transit point for migrating birds such as snipe and mallards.


南韓這一次的外海港籍遊艇(barge)外洩原油(crude oil) 真是位我們的可憐的地球生態雪上加霜。

電視上所呈現的那黑壓壓的一片, 也只是冰山一角!


更長期的影響就是造成候鳥, 例如:鵴(snipe)和綠頭鴨(mallard) 的遷徙(migrate)習性等等

這樣的意外, 不知道又要用多久的時間才能夠痊癒(heal)呢?

有沒有一天, 科學家可以發明一種不需要原油就可以行駛的船隻潛艦?
重點是, 不管任何發明, 是不是不要只來自於人性(humanity), 把自然(nature)先考慮在先?


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