Have you ever calculated the amount of the rubbish you "pooh" everyday?

Our earth is now rising a flag up! 


How to recycle your rubbish? You can also be the doctor.

(抽空進去網站看一看吧! 歐洲是實施環保非常徹底的區域喔!)

Follow the three main steps to recycle and help reduce the amount of the rubbish that the country produce.

The three main steps to recycling are:
1. Recycle
What can you recycle? 
The easiest things to recycle are paper and glass. 

    Paper: such as newspaper and magazines. 

Glass: sich as beer, wine, spirit bottles, coffee jars, jam jars and sauce bottles.
2. Compost
      About a third of the waste in your bin is organic material. If you have a garden, 
   you could turn this waste into free compost instead of throwing it away.
   What can you compost?
   The most common things you can compost are Kitchen and Garden waste.

   Kitchen waste - Vegetable peelings, tea leaves/bags, egg shells, fruit scraps and grains.

   Garden waste - Plant prunings, old plants, grass clippings, leaves and straw.

    It is best to avoid things like meat, cooked food and pet litter.

What are the benefits?
You can use the compost on a garden, in window boxes or on house plants. It gives you a free soil improver and saves you a trip to the garden centre. Compost also helps to retain moisture, reducing the amount of watering you need to do.

3. Shop smart

A lot of what you buy, you bin - especially the packaging. If you 'shop smart' and buy products with less packaging, you could reduce your rubbish by as much as a third. 

 Next time you go shopping:

If possible, buy a refill rather than a new product. Refills are available for things like liquid softeners, washing powders and some beauty products.

Many products are made from recycled material, even if they are not labelled - most glass bottles for instance.

If possible, buy products like fruit and vegetables loose instead of pre-packaged.

If you buy nappies, try modern reusable ones (with Velcro fasteners) rather than disposables.

Re-use carrier bags - extra strong ones with reinforced handles are available at many supermarket checkouts.

最近我整個就是一個環保小尖兵(environmental little little protector)耶!

為什麼我要強調是little? 因為我謹以我微薄的力量宣導(propagandize)大家也要學習盡量做到維護環境的工夫!

也希望政府(government)能夠正視這樣的問題並提出良好的制度, 故然他們可能看不見!

這文章中提到的資源回收的三個小法寶, 應該可以說是我們平常生活中最容易遇到的了.

1. 紙類或是瓶瓶罐罐的回收, 在台灣還可以幫助很多老奶奶老爺爺的忙呢!

2. 就是所謂呢其實生活中, 都是屬於有機的物質, 比如説廚房的廚餘(kitchen waste), 花園裡的枯葉枯枝等等的.
   這些回收的資源都可以變成很棒的花園肥料(soil improver)!


3. 第三種也算是蠻重要的, 台灣這幾年已經也有著手的就是關於"多餘包裝"的這種垃圾生產量!

    不過我想台灣做的還不夠全面性! 除了不必要的塑膠袋(plastic bag)之外, 還有在超商可以看見的本身產品的包裝有些都是可以去除的, 例如超市買水果時盡量選擇散裝的水果, 一包一包都用保鮮膜,包好的下面還電了一塊保麗龍(styrofoam), 也不是真的這麼必須! 只是台灣人都喜歡圖方便啦!

    還有相關的例如紙尿布(nappy;diaper), 衛生紙(tissue paper)等等其實政府都應該幫忙輔導去開發這一類再生性的產品! 

非常搞不懂的一點是: 為什麼公廁的衛生紙不用再生紙呢? 為什麼我們這裡買再生紙要比一般的紙還要貴? 要多花錢來買再生的東西, 在這個我們在努力推行環保再利用的階段, 應該不是明智的選擇吧?

很多先進國家的公廁衛生紙都已經可以直接沖到馬桶裡融化掉了, 希望有一天台灣也可以!應該不是一直強調衛生紙越厚越好才是

說了一堆= = 





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