Paris and Berlin ban cafe smoking.
Smoking has been banned in bars in the capitals of France and Germany but the laws will not be enforced immediately.
Eight German states, including Berlin, have ushered in 2008 declaring their pubs and restaurants smoke-free.
Almost a third of Germans smoke and the authorities in Berlin have decided not to enforce the restrictions actively for the first six months.
In France, a law forbidding smoking in public places has now been extended to bars, cafes and hotels.
Paris reporter Hugh Schofield says attitudes to smoking have changed dramatically in France in the past year and any fears that people will generally ignore the new law can be discarded.
The French health ministry allowed smokers a 24-hour "grace" period for the New Year festivities in a gesture of "tolerance".
Any smoker caught flouting the ban thereafter can be fined up to 450 euros (£332; $662), while those who turn a blind eye to smokers on their premises can be fined up to 750 euros.
France has about 13.5 million smokers among its population of 60.7 million.
The new ban is seen as a big cultural shift for France, where smoky cafes have long been the haunts of famous artists and philosophers.
The ban does not include pavement tables or open-air terraces.
Similar bans are already in place in Britain, Ireland, Italy and Spain.
In 2004, Ireland became the first European country to introduce a comprehensive smoking ban in all workplaces, including pubs and restaurants.
Smoking was made illegal in bars and cafes in Lithuania(立陶宛) in 2007.
The law has now been extended to include other public places.
相關於國外禁煙的規定,似乎十分的嚴格, 包括抽菸人口密集的pub在德國也被禁止, 雖然這個禁文也進而引起那些pub業者的反對, 畢竟這樣也會影響到他們的生意.
不過目前呢在歐洲方面,英國, 愛爾蘭, 義大利,西班牙以及立陶宛也都已經提倡再不論工作廠所或是其他餐廳酒吧的場合都要禁菸了.甚至不管是抽菸者或是假裝對抽菸的人視而不見的人都要罰款耶!(真的很嚴格的執行)
相對台灣好像也都已經逐漸在推行這一方面的政策, 雖然好像會損壞到那些抽菸者抽菸的權利, 不過少抽一點不是比較好嗎?
以前, 國中時期那些男生同學都會覺得抽菸是很酷的事情, 大概是看見大人抽菸, 想只要抽根菸也會有大人的感覺吧!
所以有煙癮的各位大人, 少抽而且也盡量不要在孩子面前抽煙才好喔!