
China warns Sarkozy do not see Dalai Lama

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who is expected to announce on Wednesday that he will after all attend the opening ceremonies of Beijing’s Olympic Games, was warned by China on Tuesday not to meet with the Dalai Lama in France next month.

China’s ambassador to France, Kong Quan, told reporters there would be “serious consequences” for Chinese-French relations if Mr. Sarkozy meets the Dalai Lama, asserting that it “would be contrary to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs.”

Mr. Sarkozy has been vague on whether he will meet personally with the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader in exile, regarded by China as a renegade “splittist” who has advocated resistance to China’s sovereignty.

China has repeatedly accused the Dalai Lama and his subordinates of instigating anti-Chinese riots in Tibet three months ago and encouraging a boycott of the Beijing Olympics, which the Dalai Lama has denied. Representatives of both sides recently resumed suspended reconciliation talks.

France holds the presidency of the European Union, and Mr. Sarkozy has said that his attendance at the Aug. 8 opening ceremonies will depend on progress in those talks. The Dalai Lama’s visit to France, for a conference on Buddhism, comes after the opening of the Olympics.

Mr. Sarkozy is scheduled to meet President Hu Jintao of China in Japan during the Group of 8 summit conference under way there, and Mr. Sarkozy is expected to say that he will be in Beijing for the opening ceremonies.

French protests in April of the Chinese crackdown on Tibetan unrest caused fury in Beijing, creating political problems for Mr. Sarkozy and complications for French companies, which some angry Chinese, encouraged at first by their government, have boycotted.


I browsed through the "The New York Times" website and thought I would like to share this news with you all. What I mentioned is not about how to defense Tibet against an injustice from China. Actually, we don't and can't intervene in them; how do you think about the relationship between the Strait? Do we still in daydream for China will automatically and kindly keep peace with Taiwan that the government here claims for our sovereign right? If the government doesn't suppose to do this, is it possible for them to lead Taiwan to a stable, prosperous situation with dignity? Can we fling the name of "The Orphan of the World"?

This summary is not about "Blue" or "Green" of the political standpoint. Do not criticize with unesthetic wording, or I'll bleep them all.

首先我要先聲明的是,以上我的簡短感想並不代表任何政治立場,這是就一個客觀的角度去提出觀感, 請勿顏色化本文.


我們沒有什麼權利,也沒有能力去成為中國與西藏這長久問題的調停者, (我們連我自己都顧不了了,哪裡有利器多管別人的事?)
台灣與中國的正常交流是值得鼓勵的,但是如果現在的政府想要以釋出大量善意或者一些經濟上的優待與依賴中國大眾及政府的方式, 來解決中台之間的問題, 我一直不持樂觀態度,畢竟, 台灣的戰略地位之重要是中國無法放手不管,就如同美國也無法因此讓台灣歸屬中國,這會影響到美國在戰略位置上的安全憂慮. 所以美國官方說不支持台獨,但也不表達希望中台統一的立場!

因為我是百分之百支持台灣自己要身為一個國家的這種立場,所以如果台灣政府也是抱持相同的想法,只單靠目前政策的這些方法,都無法治根. 除非連台灣政府本身的想法就是分裂的,行之就會更加困難重重!

(再次聲明: 支持台獨不代表任何顏色, 請不要出現類似顏色化的字眼,一率刪除喔!Thanks!)


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