China Detains 19 as Toxic Formula Sickens Hundreds of Infants
SHANGHAI — China said Saturday that 19 people had been detained by the police as part of an investigation into how baby formula had become contaminated with an industrial chemical. The formula is implicated in the death of one infant, and at least 432 others have been afflicted with kidney problems.
The government also said Saturday that the Sanlu Group, China’s biggest producer of milk powder formula, had first received complaints about its powder in March and had recalled some products but delayed reporting the problems to the government or the public.
Last week, the Sanlu Group recalled 700 tons of powdered formula, and on Saturday the government said the company had been ordered to stop producing and selling powdered formula.
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration said that no infant formula from China had been approved for import.
Beijing’s highest government agencies ordered a “first-class national food emergency response” on Saturday, calling for a thorough investigation into the causes of the contamination and offering aid to infants suffering from kidney stones.
“This is a severe food safety accident,” Gao Qiang, the vice minister of health, said at a news conference on Saturday.
The government said that a preliminary investigation had determined that the infant formula had been contaminated by melamine, an industrial chemical that is used in some plastics. The government said it thought the melamine had been intentionally added to the powder to make it seem to have more protein.
Last year, the same chemical was found in animal feed from China that was then sold to pet food makers in the United States, sickening hundreds of cats and dogs. This touched off an international trade dispute and questions about the safety of products from China.
In interviews with melamine producers and sellers last year, several acknowledged that melamine was commonly used to artificially raise the protein count in a variety of foods, fish feeds and even dairy products.
Melamine, which can be created from coal, is high in nitrogen and for decades has been used by farmers to bolster protein counts in food and feed. Food safety officials in Beijing said Saturday that dairy producers could have used cheap melamine filler to make the infant formula powder seem far richer.
Last year, however, Beijing insisted that its food supply was largely safe. The government also started a nationwide campaign to root out food and product safety problems. It even executed the head of the food and drug administration after he had been found guilty of dereliction of duty.
A version of this article appeared in print on September 14, 2008, on page A8 of the New York edition.
毒奶粉事件轟動台灣,三鹿牌,中國奶粉製造大廠竟然添加了三聚氰氨這種工業化學用料, 這種用料會讓食物看起來好像更有豐富的蛋白質, 在中國的不少乳製品製造者過去也都有這種習慣添加這種讓食物看起來更富營養的非食用性的化學料!
根據紐約時報的報導,過去在美國也曾經發生從中國進口的犬貓食品也都添加了不該添加的化學料品,造成國內議論. 美國當然已經下令不准進口中國製的任何嬰兒食用乳品,不知道台灣有沒有?好像只有請克寧和雀巢下架, 希望政府能夠有快速明確, 保護台灣民眾的應對政策! 針對中國進口的所有商品,特別是食品類應該都要有配套措施加以嚴格控管,在中設廠的台商也應該要在當地工廠更嚴格把關所有製造過程才是!
不要再可笑的竟要人民提供救經濟的點子...我們到底是選了一個什麼鬼政府?? 趕快覺醒吧! 心中要把台灣擺第一位,不是明顯快速的向中國傾斜,有一些報章媒體也不要再掩蓋中國傲慢與已經張大虎口等著我們的事實了,造神運動會不會造的有點太過分了? 哀呀說到這個就令人生氣~
政府還是好好的拿出對策吧, 不要再反反覆覆、朝令夕改了!